勃朗特家族(The Brontës)對一些人來說可能會有點陌生,不過如果你聽過《咆哮山莊》(Wuthering Heights)、《簡愛》(Jane Eyre),那勃朗特家族也不是什麼太陌生的存在了,因為前者的作者就是艾蜜莉・勃朗特(Emily Brontës);後者的作者是夏綠蒂・勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)。
這一篇來整理一下最近在《英美文學評論》第37期中看到的文章:"Interpellation on the Moors: The Literary Calling of the Brontës" (Min-Hua WU)(《荒原上的召喚:勃朗締家族之文學志業》)。
篇名中的interpellation(召喚)是引用路易・阿圖塞(Louis Althusser)對於calling/interpellation的定義:
We then suggest that ideology "works" or "functions" in such a way that it "recruits" the subjects among the individuals (it recruits them all), or "transforms" the individuals into subjects (it transforms them all) by this very precise operation which we call the interpellation, and which we can represent as the type even of the most banal interpellation by a policeman (or not) that happens in the everyday life: "Hey, you over there!" (Althusser 226, WU 73)